Aside from actively seeking Medical and therapeutic help, prayer can help you heal.
Prayer exists in all cultures. It has many forms. But basically, it is just communicating with the Divine. But since divinity comes in as many different forms as there are Religions and beliefs, it is hard to recommend one particular way to pray.
Your way will always be the best for you. Just be sincere and humble... No words are needed. Just communicate from your deepest self (your soul), and "God" will hear and understand you. I like to describe "praying" symbolically as touching the Hand of God.
I subscribe to Joseph Murphy's definition of Prayer: "Effective prayer is a sustained, affirmative attitude of mind which results in conviction. Once your desire is completely accepted subconsciously, it works automatically as part of the Creative Law. The real test of whether your mind accepts the idea completely and cannot conceive of the opposite. You must believe what you want to believe, and when you do, you have really impressed your subconscious mind; then your subconscious mind will respond accordingly." (The Miracle of Mind Dynamics)
Prayer and Faith are two sides of the same coin. There can be no effective prayer without faith -- it is just how our mind works!
"What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:24)
So desire your cure with all your heart and with all your mind. Be humble and contrite -- forgive everyone, forgive your circumstances, but most of all forgive yourself. Believe that you deserve to be whole again! God will hear your plea.