I am a traditional Asian Shaman/Medicine Man. I received my gift and trained in the traditional way. My ancestors were traditional healers and ceremonial elders in my own land, but I was also initiated and trained by traditional elders from different cultures. I continue to learn and commune with nature to further my understanding of Life and I constantly pray to the "Great Spirit" (God) for help and guidance in everything I do.
Although I still perform my prayers and rituals in the traditional ways, the powers/spirits/energies I work with have since modified my approach to conducting "spiritual" assistance. Since Medicine People from all around the world come from diverse cultural backgrounds, their healing rituals are also culturally grounded and ethnically specific. These rituals are still very powerful and effective, but the globalization of our world now requires a more generic approach to "spiritual symbolism" to bridge the cultural differences between people from all over the world. I have made it the personal mission of this blog to attempt to reconcile this multi-cultural gap, by providing a grounded spiritual perspective everyone can readily comprehend regardless of background.