Shamans or Medicinepeople have been with us since the beginning, venturing into the unknown to guide and protect us, as healers, artists, spiritualist, storytellers and visionaries. As we embark on the 21st century armed with our latest technology and science, we have to be aware that we still have a lot of questions that remain unanswered and we still need our shamans to boldly lead us into uncharted territory -- only now we refer to our modern day adventurers and explorers as scientist, inventors, engineers, doctors, surgeons, therapists, psychologists, healers, innovators, filmmakers, actors, writers, etc.
I created this blog as a forum where I can toss wild and sometimes irreverent ideas and opinions for anyone to repond to. Because I believe that we are all searching for "Truths" in the end, and that it is basic for all of us to want to evolve and learn as human beings. Let us embark on this sacred journey together with the blessings and love of our Creator.